Friday, January 11, 2008

Prog and I Are Captured

Until recently, things were going well of our party. Well, its not much of a party anymore with myself and Prog whisked away by some abyssal creature.

Rewberic, being magnificently brave as always scouted ahead at the bottom of the hill. He was responding to a plea for help. The figure was Nooie in disguise. I am ashamed at my failure to help Rewberic and the others fight against our foe and this mysterious quick creature that grappled both Prog and myself in one fell swoop into a magical portal to a place far and away from anything I know.

If I can, I will help Prog escape. After all, he has already been restored to life once - and the fates I believe in tell me that his life serves an important mission somewhere in Lycony still. The world still needs Prog. I will do what I can.

Ohh... oh, it looks horrible!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Stolen Dreams

So now our group has the dreamstone. Er, I mean, we had the dreamstone. Let me explain...

We spent a second night together in the Tabbard and Tale Inn. For protection, Rewberik asked everyone to stay in one room. He sensed evil on Noni yesterday, but her story was believable enough to trust her in our room last night.

I removed the shard from the extra-dimensional space. It was behind me and Rewberik for extra protection. Our whole group stayed in the same room to protect it, but in the middle of the night, Noni drew a blade on Prog, then made off with the stone.

Kenni dreamed that Ezradean begged her not to persue him. He was suffering but alive under a watching eye of something scary. Prog had a horrible dream about the Shining One. And Rewberik was told in dreams by Vuschestia that the mind witch is a detriment to the success of the group.

Kenny and I started to think these bad drams were opposites, at least lies. And maybe they are clues about what we should do next. But who knows?

We heard from the stable boy that Noni left by the south gate. Rewberik, Prog, Kenny, Quil and me quickly started chasing her southward, out of the city of Westkeep. Her horse was found several miles later at a farm and it was out of breath. Keppet, the farmer, was knocked in the head and left for dead, but Noni's horsetheft and attempted murder wasn't any match for Prog's devotion to the Shining One, Rewberik's faith in the goddess of healing, or Kenny's quickly drawn potion of healing. I don't know which saved the farmers life? But yeah, these are good people. We didn't have time to stay for Simri's (the farmer's wife) offer of food and drink that the farmer offered us.

Prog was without a horse, so I compressed by body into a tiny form that fit inside a saddlebag. We sped down the road really fast to the hamlet of Deepington. At the Kettle and Cup tavern, Prog reunited with a clansman named Durok. I noticed the barbarians eager eyes and think it may have been some time since he lay with a woman. Although eager to please with his tracking skill, he lost and regained the trail just past the Deepingdell river. Shortly after, he lost the trail altogether but we continued south toward the Ironoak forest.

At this point in our journey, we were heading south because Prog divined some information about where Noni's flying mount might be. We faught a young green dragon. Ooh - this part was very interesting: It blasted us with acid, but we struck into the creature and then blasted it out of the sky! (I think this was the blasting part that Durok really wanted to see.) Our new companion's esteem is very low and he feels ashamed for having fled from the green beast. Hey - maybe he's just a little rusty? If the clansman can track - I think that might still help us find Noni.

The dragon had a cave and in it was a big treasure of jems, coin, and magic. Everyone is loaded with platinum and gold. We're still looking for Noni, the dreamstone, Ezradean, and answers to a lot of questions. Who knew Noni was really a Sudowyn Spy?

With or without the dreamstone, everyone has dreams. And some dreams just must come true - these are the dreams that can never be stolen.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Meet Up

I never actually made it into the city of Westgate, and that's okay.

I met up with some new friends at a wharfside tavern. Quil was playing the pan flute when Rewberik, Prog, and Kenny walked in and sat with me. Prog is taller and Kenny shorter than the stories say.

The generous paladin payed for us to stay in a fine inn called the Tabbard and Tale.

In the morning, Quil had news of a Madwyn who's keep had been ruined and who's artifact had been stolen.

Prog got a big powerful staff.

A passionate girl named Nooni asked us to help her, but our group was already leaving to do something else. She agreed to help us if we would help her too.

We saw some big things walking with an army and 4 vampires chased Quil toward us. My longsword felt really good to be in my hand again. They were hurt badly. And we were not seen by the army.

We ripped up an undead who's tentacles reached out for us from the high grass.

This really tall obsidian tower was guarded by four wyverns. This is first time I saw how brave Rewberik is. He jumped on one and ripped it's head off. I was so inspired that I cracked another one's neck too. It was a really cool thing to see the last one crash into the tower.

We all started to figure out ways to get to the little lich in the window. She was sealing up windows with stone so we had to hurry. Inside the tower's top chamber there was a bed, a dreamstone and the little lich.

The little monster screamed so loud, the wailing killed Quil, Prog and Kenni. Ruwberik explained his purpose in life was to persevere and keep fighting the evil thing. So I helped.